As most of you may be aware, there has been serious concerns about the plans to turn a significant area of one of our most important wetlands in Kenya (Tana River Delta) into sugarcane plantations.
The Daily Nation newspaper of today (6 Dec 07) contains a notice to the public to submit comments on an EIA study report for the proposed Tana Integrated Sugar Project in Tana River & Lamu Districts.
The notice says that the proposed project consists of irrigated sugarcane production through estate (16 000 HA) and out growers (4000 ha), water supply to the project, sugar factory and co-generation facility, an ethanol production plant and livestock supporting activities including fisheries. The project is to be located in Lower Tana in Garsen Division on LOA plan number 106798/33A.
The anticipated impacts and mitigation measures of the project are outlined in the notice.
The notice says that the full EIA study report is available at: (1) (2) PS's office in Min of Envt & Nat resources (3) NEMA (4) Provincial Director of Envt, Coast Province (5) District Envt Officer, Tana River District
The notice invites the members of public to submit oral or written comments within 30 days to the Director of NEMA.