From: James Ndungu <>
Date: 2007-11-05 00:45
Subject: Bird-ringing at Nairobi Museums grounds (1st November 2007)

Dear birders and ringers:

On Thursday 1 November 2007, morning bird-banding session with the Nairobi Ringing Group (NbiRG), at the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) grounds was rather unproductive.
The morning showers and the subsequent putting-up of the nets almost 08h00 attributed the poor catch. Only six birds in five species were banded (actual numbers in parenthesis).
However, the list (below) was impressive with one Eurasian migrant. The age of the bird was code 3, according to the European bird ageing system, which, implies that it was definitely hatched this calendar year, hence, the juvenile body plumage.
Sprosser or Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia (1) immature.
Montane White-eye Zosterops poliogaster (1) adult.
African Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone viridis (1) adult female.
Amethyst Sunbird Nectarinia amethystina (1) immature male.
Bronze Mannikin Lonchura cucullata (2) adults.

Until next time, happy birding/banding.


James Kuria Ndung'u
FRONT TRAILS SAFARIS ... taking you closer to nature
33 Kenya House, Koinange / Monrovia Str,
2nd Floor, Unit 22C,
P.O Box 60903, City Square, 00200, Nairobi 
KENYA, East Africa.

PH/FX: +254 (20) 221-0930
CELL: +254-734-287-802 / +254-728-583-520
SKYPE: james.kuria.ndungu

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