From: Don Reid <>
Date: 2006-09-26 16:31
Subject: Mombasa Bird Walk Sept.

A trip to Central Quarry at Bamburi where we had hoped to see some returning waders yielded only one solitary Common Sandpiper which probably overwintered.  The usual large group of Greenshanks (early arrivals most years) were nowhere to be seen. There are groups of waders flying in at night, I can hear them.  Of note large numbers of Yellow Billed Egrets (now Itermediate), an African darter, Purple Heron, lots of nest building activity from Village and Golden Palm Weavers

At Jumba Beach, later in the week I saw a flock of Ruddy Turnstones.

A quick trip to Ngutuni Lodge, near Voi last week proved prolific in animals but a dearth of birds. Raptors - one Tawny Eagle, several Bataleurs. Blue capped Cordon Bleus near the Lodge. My son saw Secretary Bird and a group of 5 Ground Hornbills. More interestingly a Bataleur flying over Mazeras, nearer to Mombasa than I have previously seen it. As I shuddered my vehicle over the dreadful road I felt he had the better part.   Have great birding.  Welcome to Mombasa Bird walk any 3rd Sat in the month. Check with me 0720 949 195.  Marlene Reid

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