From: Neil & Liz Baker <>
Date: 2006-05-10 13:06
Subject: Re: [KENYABIRDSNET] Afrotrop migrants

Hi Colin

Did not realise Mangrove Kingfisher moved with you !!!

would love to hear about more SGTs than just one !! was this at Gede or with you ?

Presumably your Pygmy Kingfishers are the southern race ? we caught one moving at night at Mufindi last week, 6 Pittas, 5 Harlequin Quails and an African Crake as well as a very late Marsh warbler that was underweight and did not survive being held overnight by factory staff.

In all her years ringing at Mufindi Liz only ever caught 1 Red-capped Robin and we only caught one moving at night in the East Usambars yet they are common, almost abundant as migrants in the Pugu Hills both March-April and Sept/oct.

Madagascar Bee-eater movements most confusing, would be good to have dates, numbers directions from as many folk as possible. I'll send you our latest map for this species.



Neil and Liz Baker, Tanzania Bird Atlas, P.O. Box 1605, Iringa, Tanzania.
Mobiles: 0748-509906 and 0748-834273.
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