From: Don Reid <>
Date: 2006-03-29 09:06
Subject: Mombasa Bird Walk

For once the tide was exactly right for some "wader" birding on bird walk Saturday.  Permission was granted by Lafarge for the group to visit Vipingo quarry where at high tide all the hundreds of waders move into the quarry and are more easily seen than when on the beach.  Main species were Sand Plover, greater and lesser, Curlew Sandpipers (all these species in huge flocks of several hundreds), a good smattering of Liittle Stints, several Greenshanks, several Wood Sandpipers, a seemingly loan Ruddy Turnstone, a fair number of Ringed Plovers, a few Grey Plovers, one Common Sandpiper, one elegant Caspian Plover and several indigenous Three Banded Plovers.  The sight of all these flocks wheeling through the air was just breath taking, well worth doing "waders" despite the difficulties of trying to identify species for my group. Most birds were still in winter dress but one large group, nearly all Sandplovers, were well into breeding plumage and were all standing close together, not feeding much and all facing in one direction.  Birds already in migration perhaps? Still lots of Barn Swallows around.  

Tudor Creek has lost all its raptors now but there is a big second wave of Eurasian Golden Orioles passing through.  Every morning's delight.  Have some happy birding!

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