From: Itai Shanni <>
Date: 2006-01-04 17:35
Subject: Fwd: Nairobi National Park

> Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2005 11:14:24 +0300
> From:
> To: Itai Shanni <>
> Subject: Nairobi National Park
> Dear Itai-
> I hope you are enjoying your holidays.
> The following (worrying) news might be of interest
> to Kenya birders & their 
> contacts:
> Last night there was a fire in the north west of the
> Nairobi National Park, 
> though this morning (27th December) it seems to have
> burnt/been put out.
> Such a situation was bound to arise in the abscence
> of controlled burning 
> earlier in the year.
> This further reduces the amount of grazing available
> to the very large numbers 
> of wild ungulates & cattle now grazing in the park
> (see 
> for details) in the very
> dry conditions we are 
> experiencing in Nairobi (& still 3 months to go
> before the rains!) 
> More serious is the pollution of the
> Mbagathi/Embakasi river -the one water 
> source that can be relied upon to sustain the park
> whatever the conditions.
> Poisoned fish were reported 2 weeks ago. I spoke to
> the Warden this morning 
> after the rangers at Maasai Gate reported a mass
> die-off of fish today.
> His response? "Still awaiting lab results!"
> At this rate the whole ecology of the river basin
> will be poisoned, including 
> the Finfoot & the Pel's Owl we looked for! Not to
> mention the thirsty mammals 
> & Maasai cattle!!!
> Sadly this situation is reflection on the current
> (in) ability ok KWS -a quick 
> walk up the river would quickly identify the source
> of what obviously toxic 
> pollution upstream!
> Best regards & season's greetings,
> Will

I rather go birding...
Itai Shanni           
Tel 00-254-722889099 (KE)
    00-972-522-497541 (ISR)

P.O. Box 47419           