From: Itai Shanni <>
Date: 2005-12-21 15:20
Subject: Fwd: Tsavo records from Richard & Anne Bishop

> Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:53:56 +0300
> From: "Bishop, Richard \(ILRI\)"

> A couple of interesting records from Tsavo last
> weekend which you might
> want to put on the Kenya Birdnet, as follows.
> Friedmann's lark 2+ between Kilaguni and Mzima, at
> the view point where
> the road drops down towards the springs.
> Painted snipe 1 Female on the Waterhole at Kilaguni
> Lodge
> Purple Indigobird 5 males in a single
> bush (lekking?) at
> Ngulia
> Palearctic wintering species generally very scarce.
> No migrants at
> Ngulia lodge.
> Regards
> Richard

I rather go birding...
Itai Shanni           
Tel 00-254-722889099 (KE)
    00-972-522-497541 (ISR)

P.O. Box 47419           