Date: 2005-10-29 01:09
Subject: Records From Round Kenya.

Dear all,

Just finished guiding two consecutive safaris round
Kenya, where we recorded some interesting species
worth highlighting.

The first trip was a Sarus Bird Tours safari between
7th October to 19th October. Starting at Lake Nakuru
we were surprised how few migrants have arrived by
now, however there are a few first records.

At the mouth of Njoro River-Lake Nakuru National Park,
we saw the Black Pied Crow Brian Finch had seen
sometime back. Pied Crow, I assume because it was with
other pied crows though all black, but with a small
white patch on the breast. It did not seem to have the
physical shape or a narrow bill of a Cape Rook, but
rather a different pied crow altogether. Could it be a
hybrid between Pied Crows and Cape Rook?