From: Shailesh Kumar Patel <>
Date: 2005-10-24 22:35
Subject: Kenyatta Day Birding
Hello Birders,
This was a Kenyatta day birding on 20th Oct. I was with Bram Piot a birder from France. We visited 4 different sites which were Mangou pond, L.Naivasha, Gatamaiyu forest and Kinnangop plateaux [Magumu].
The highlight species were per site:-
Common House Martin - 2.
Eurasian Golden Oriole - 1.
Eurasian Roller - 1.
2.Gatamaiyu Forest.
Abbott's Starling - 1[Juv].
White-browed Crombec - 2.
White-tailed Crested Flycatcher - 1.
3.Kinangop Plateaux.
Sharpe's Longclaw - 1.
Tha Abbott's Starling [Juv] which i saw was the one the adult male was feeding on 22th.
Happy Birding,
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