From: chege kariuki <>
Date: 2005-06-29 07:37
Subject: Purple-crested Turaco...not arboretum again

Dear all,
This morning on the Wednesday Morning Birdwalk, we
head to Arboretum. (just a 15min walk fron the city

Though a much colder or cool day with less bird
activities we had a good view of two turacos that came
flying and perched about 15m from the group of about
3o persons.

Hartlaub's Turaco was the first name that came out of
many of our mouth's and for surely it was . However,
it was accompanied by another with a dark head (that
appeared black by far (though faint purple was evident
on starring on the bird) red orbital ring and hard no
any white marking on the face.

Why were they together? who could tell? However, this
P-c Turaco seemed to have been following the
Hartlaub's. After they left and later after about 15
min we saw the Hartlaub's again but alone (unless was
the second Hartlaub's individual).

May be it's a wondering or lost individuial to later
find and join the Hartlaub's.

Please keep an eye on that when you get to the
arboretum and let's know if anyone sees that. 

Regards hoping someone will find it later or sooner


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