From: Pat and Maia Hemphill <>
Date: 2005-03-23 13:15
Subject: Birds at Shimoni

Dear All,

Two interesting sightings last week. A Shikra on our birdbath!!! on 
the 13th March, and the following day a Tambourine Dove on the 
birdbath in company with two Emererald Spotted Wooddoves. We 
hear the Tambourine Dove now and again, but don't often see it, so 
it was great to have him on the bath. The Shikra was even more 
special, and it spent some time there enjoying a drink and a wash, 
before eventually flying off. I have seen them occasionally down 
here but not for a long time.
Our birdbath is right in front of our sitting room windows so we get 
a good view.

Maia Hemphill   
Pat and Maia Hemphill
Sea Adventures Ltd., P.O. Box 348, Ukunda, Kenya
Tel : +254 40 52220
Fax : + 254 41 227675
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