From: Colin Jackson <>
Date: 2004-05-14 08:45
Subject: Red-capped RCs arrive

Had the nets open again this morning - no Af Pygmy Kingfishers today but the first 2 
Red-capped Robin Chats were caught - a Full Adult and an Immature. Also caught 
were an imm Mangrove Kingfisher - the first of this species recorded for many months 
and an hour later an adult retrap bird we originally ringed 30/7/02 and has been 
retrapped 4 other times last year all in May, June and July... Nothing other to note - 3 
Grosbeak Weavers which are good material for trainees to practise on...!

Colin-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- 
Colin Jackson
Mwamba Bird Observatory & Field Study Centre,
A Rocha Kenya
PO Box 383
Watamu, 80202

Tel: +254-(0)42-32023 (O), 32037 (H)
Mobile 0722-842366
see also <>