From: Colin Jackson <>
Date: 2004-05-11 23:54
Subject: afrotrop migrants return
Last week Tues 4th May I heard my first Af Pygmy Kingfisher for the year in the hedge
outside my house... 2 days later ringing at Mwamba just down the beach we caught
TWO in the first round.. very nice birds of the race natalensis. Surprisingly though, no
Red-capped Robin Chats yet this year - tho' I did have one in the Mida extension of
Arabuko-SOkoke on Saturday... but normally it's hopping with them here by now. I
suspect that our serious lack of rain has held them back and they're waiting for the
rains to set in for real. Was looking for SGT on Sat as well - but no luck yet.
We also ringed a Sedge Warbler last week on 6th - the first record for Mwamba Bird
Observatory tho' I've seen plenty of them in some years in the seasonal marshes inland
of here. Wader numbers are seriously down now with only about 1,300 birds at Mida
on our count today - but 'Olly the one-legged Oik' (Eur Oystercatcher) is still there
hopping around. He's now been here for a full year having been first found last May. He
seems very content and would appear to have given up the idea of trying to fly all the
way back to his breeding grounds only to be out-competed by a two-legged bird and so
is sticking it out in the sun and wealth of food on Mida!
Colin-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- --
Colin Jackson
Mwamba Bird Observatory & Field Study Centre,
A Rocha Kenya
PO Box 383
Watamu, 80202
Tel: +254-(0)42-32023 (O), 32037 (H)
Mobile 0722-842366
see also <>