From: Duncan Himes <>
Date: 2004-05-02 14:29
Subject: Fw: Kenya Bird Report
----- Original Message -----
From: Duncan Himes <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 1:23 AM
Subject: Kenya Bird Report
>Hi Carol: Would you send this on to Kenya Bird Report. Thank you.
> Following is a brief
> report of some exciting birds seen on 14-16 April in Tsavo East Nat. Park.
> Within 10 km of Buchuma Gate a group of 8 Amur Falcons were seen in one
> tree. At first a single female was seen and than she flew to the others,
> some in the tree and others flying about. We had about 5 minute look at
> close range. Seen on the Voi River road east of Aruba Dam about 8 km in
> shade of a bush, a pair of Violet-tipped Coursers, also about a dozen
> Temmicks Coursers at signpost entrance to Satao Camp, where there is
> extensive bushed plain. After many years of birding in Kenya, and looking
> for Fire-fronted Bishops, and never seeing, over these 3 days estimate 200
> males seen along road from Buchuma to Aruba, and sporadically throughout
> park. Among many Common Cuckoos, African Cuckoos--?, was one Levaillants.
> Violet Woodhoopoe was another good bird for me, a group along Voi River.
> These were among 100 species seen during this trip. Thank you for reports
> you send me. My email while in Kenya is Thank you
> Duncan Himes of Mombasa
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