From: Itai Shanni <>
Date: 2004-04-11 00:13
Subject: Icterine Warbler, Zebra Waxbill and others in Nairobi Park

Dear all,

Yesterday (10th April) together with Brian Finch and
Fleur Ng'weno, in spite of the very un-appealing
conditions of rain, mud and over whole darkish day in
Nairobi park, we still managed to see roughly 180
Generally speaking, there were not too many migrants
around, but this might have been due to the very heavy
rains that started early the night before and lasted
throughout the night. 
Still, we did manage to find few species; Lesser Grey
and Red-backed Shrikes were very common (at least 20
individuals of each, were seen during the day), Willow
Warblers and Spotted Flycatcher were jumping in many
corners of the park. 3 Hobbies, 4 Lesser Kestrels, a
Black Stork, 2 Tree Pipits, a Garden Warbler and one
Whinchat were seen during the day and also a few
Montague�s Harriers are still around. Marsh
Sandpipers, Greenshanks and one Little Stint can still
be found at Athi basin dam.

The most interesting migrant though, was spotted next
to the small dam that is on the junction to Ruai Dam;
a fresh plumage Icterine Warbler was singing its heart
and showed very rewarding views (and even photos). 

On the Afrotropical �department� we also had some nice
records; all 9 species of the park Cisticolas were
seen. Many Jackson, White-winged and Red-collared
Widowbirds in breeding plumage can be found all over
the park and also many African Moustached Warblers are
singing throughout. �Nairobi Pipit� was spotted twice
during the day at the Kisembese ridge and gave very
good views (in spite of it being very very wet).
The most interesting species were a Zebra Waxbill (the
1st for this rainy season), jumping in the tall grass
near Kisembese ridge on the way to Olomanyi dam and 4
Rosey-breasted Longclaws next to Hyena dam and next to
the Vulture pool. Also near Hyena dam, one
Black-bellied Bustard was calling. In Nairobi we
usually get the Hartlau'bs Bustards, so this
Black-bellied was a nice addition for the day. 

Once again Nairobi Park proves to be a great birding
destination, even on a dark cloudy day�

Happy birding to you all,
Itai Shanni 

Itai Shanni           
Tel 00-254-722-889099
or  00-254-733-254270  
p.o. Box 47419           