From: "Bishop, Richard (ILRI)" <R.BISHOP@CGIAR.ORG>
Date: 2003-10-13 11:55
Subject: Great Crested at Naivasha Sunday 12th October
Dear All
A brief visit to Naivasha on Sunday 12th October produced a single Great
Crested Grebe at the KWS Hippo picnic-site (I think that Shailesh Patel also
saw one here earlier in the year).
With the current high water levels, there is a lot of good marshland
habitat, both at KWS and at Burch's campsite, which looks well worth
checking out, although we did not see anything unusual.
African Water Rail is currently very easy to see (without a tape) in the
marsh at Burch's campsite.
Good Birding
Richard and Anne Bishop