From: Bernd de Bruijn <>
Date: 2003-10-10 09:41
Subject: possible Blue Quail near Ramisi river

Dear all,

In addition to Itai's earlier mail about our Shimoni World Birdwatch trip, I should report a possible Blue Quail that was flushed in tall, dry grass near a roadside swamp a few kms north of Ramisi river. A split-second view revealed a hind view of a button-quail-sized, all dark grey quail-like bird showing pale, yellowy feet.... despite much searching it would not be flushed again. 
In the evening of 9 October a Madagascar Squacco Heron was seen in the small swamp at the end of Loresho Ridge (next to the demonstration plots of Kabete University). A flock of about 60 Parasitic Weavers was also present. 

Good birding,

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