From: itaisha1 <>
Date: 2003-07-27 09:13
Subject: East African perspective

Dear all,

i got the following from Neil Baker...

" Your note on the White-headed Vulture sighting in NNP prompts this 
Can you paste this map on your web site? It will give your members a 
feel for this bird in Tanzania. Could it be shown alongside a similar 
map for Kenya?
I can then alert TZ birdnet members to this."

i uploaded Neil's map and it can be seen under the photos section.
as for our (Kenya) map, unfortunately we don't have a digital format 
yet. BUT, the current work on the "Kagu Project" (the new Records 
Database for Kenya) might be of assistance in the future.

for any more references to Tanzania Atlas project please look at the 
following details:

Liz & Neil Baker, Tanzania Bird Atlas, P.O. Box 9601, Moshi, Tanzania.
Tel 027 2756771:      Mobile 0744-318987