From: itaisha1 <>
Date: 2003-07-15 06:32
Subject: Richard and Anne Bishop records from Western Kenya

Dear all,
here are records coming from the Bishop's...

"...Western Kenya was quite rushed, as we only had three days.
However, thanks to your detailed instructions we managed to see the 
Red Patas's and Red-necked Falcon at Alupe. 
Also good views of one Lesser Jacana at the Eldoret airport dam (as 
close to the dam wall it could possibly be) and the "new" stonechat
(looks rather like albofasciatus without white in the wing). 

Pale breasted Illadopsis at Yala and also Yellow-bellied Wattleye in 
both Yala reserve and the Grid.

also House Sparrow in the petrol station at the Mumias/Busia junction 
much the furthest West I have seen them in Kenya."

good birding to all,