From: "Bishop, Richard (ILRI)" <R.BISHOP@CGIAR.ORG>
Date: 2003-06-03 00:55
Subject: Birds on the Magadi road June 1st/2nd
Dear All
On June 1st there was a fire fronted bishop directly adjacent to the
seasonal pool on the left hand side of the road at the base of the descent,
a couple of kilometers on the Nairobi side of Oltepesi.
Other interesting sightings were a capped wheater on the entrance track into
Orlegasaille prehistoric site, several cardinal queleas in full breeding
plumage, and numerous breeding chestnut weavers all over the general area.
There was also a male and female house sparrow present at Orlegasaille (we
had not seen them there before).
Good birding,
Richard and Anne Bishop
Dr Richard Bishop
Leader of Vector Genomics and Vaccines Project
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
P.O.Box 30709
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254 2 630743
Fax:254 2 631499