From: kenyabirdnet_mod <>
Date: 2003-03-05 15:47
Subject: Eurasian Groffon Vulture In NNP
Dear All,
Today just after noon time, Bernd de Bruijn and Myself found 2
Eurasian Griffon Vulture in NNP.
The 1st bird was spotted within a group of Ruppell's and African
White-backed Vultures at the "Vultures Pool".
While taking photos and admiring the bird (which was a JUV bird) a
second bird landed with another group of Vultures and this
individual seems to be in an Imm plumage (much more rufous then the
Both birds were photo and can be seen under the Photos section of
the group, in the Rarity Sub-folder.
Either then that, it is just the increase in Lesser Kestrels in the
park that is of interest.
Happy birding to all,