From: "kenyabirdnet_mod <>" <>
Date: 2003-01-21 17:02
Subject: Beaudouin's Snake Eagle near Munami, Western

Dear all!

Today Brian Finch and Itai Shanni observed (and probably 
photographed) an adult Beaudouin's Snake Eagle at Munami, along the 
road between Mumias and Busia. Although mentioned to occur in Kenya 
in leading handbooks, no records have sofar been accepted by the 
Rarities Committee, so this could be a potential first! 

The same observers at Lake Nakuru last week found the imm. Greater 
Spotted Eagle (present since October), Little Ringed Plover, Spotted 
Redshank and Black-headed Gulls. 

your temporary moderator,
Bernd de Bruijn