From: Bernd de Bruijn <>
Date: 2003-01-20 09:30
Subject: Ferruginous Duck at Thika sewage ponds

Dear all,

While counting waterbirds at Thika sewage ponds during the Sunday birdwalk yesterday, a male Ferruginous Duck was discovered and offering great views. It was in a large group of mainly Southern Pochards and both whistling ducks. 
The ponds are easily accessible: from Thika town on road to 14 falls, pass railway and Makongoni, turn right on dirt road in response to 'sewage treatment works' sign, pass swamp with Yellow-crowned Bishops, turn right again where powerlines cross the road. 

(Another report of two Ferruginous Ducks reached us from Patrick and Karen Plumbe, on Rose Caldwell's farm near Timau, 1-2 weeks ago.)

Good birding!
Bernd de Bruijn

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