From: "kenyabirdnet_mod <>" <>
Date: 2002-12-13 07:15
Subject: Reminder

Dear Members,

Lately i have been getting many sightings to the Moderator e-mail 
(, that later i sent to the group on my 

I would like to remind all that the best way to post a message, is 
to send it to the following address:
this way the name of the observer will be there and not the 
moderator e-mail (kenyabirdnet_mod).

After sending your sighting, the group server will forward the 
message to my e-mail, for moderation, and after aproval it will go 
to the rest of the members.

if someone is facing any problem with sending messages, i will be 
glad to assist and in the mean while happy birding to all.

Itai Shanni.