From: "kenyabirdnet_mod <>" <>
Date: 2002-12-13 06:21
Subject: Red-footed Booby!!!

HI there all! Have just ringed and released an adult brown morph 
Red-footed Booby from the beach in front of the A Rocha centre here 
in Watamu... 
it was found weak and exhausted on the beach on 23rd Nov, has been 
recuperated by Sanda Ash and it took to the air strongly, circled 
overhead 3-4 times as if checking us out and then flew strongly out 
to sea into the wind... 
An awesome bird!! 
Photo attached. 
As far as I can tell, this is likely to be the 9th record for Kenya 
as well as the first for the Kenyan ringing list - but 
stand to be corrected...!!
