From: itaisha1 <>
Date: 2002-11-11 18:03
Subject: "Nairobi" Pipit??, Orange-winged Pytilia...

Dear Friends,
last Sunday a team compiled from the Nairobi Ringing group, 
Ornithology Dept; KWS ranger, and few interested birders and 
researchers were trying to catch birds of this strange Anthus spec' 
in the Nairobi N"P.fortunatelyatly we managed to catch 2 birds just 
near the pump house (near the burning site) and locate another pair 
that was busy with it's brood so was much less cooperative (from our 
point of view any way).
the birds were photographed photoed and also blood samples were taken 
for future analysis, to see whether it is a complete different 
species or is it "just" the "chyuluensis" Sub-spec of the Long-billed 
Pipit (Anthus similin-betweennbetween we had a short glance on a 
migrating Lesser Spotted Eagle, and a dark morph Booted Eagle.

below you will find essayll essey by Brian Finch, regarding this 
birds and their identification, and in the photos section you will 
find some "fresh" photos of thcaughts cought in the last weekend 
compared with a "real" Long-billed Pipit tphotographed photoed 
nBaboone Babbon cliff at the N"P.

also there are some new photos of the Black-backed Cisticola from the 
Masai-Mara, Western Red-footed Falcon 
and a very interesting photo:
two weeks ago a small finch-like bird was "crushed" into one of the 
windows at the International School of Kenya (ISK).
the bird was brought to Brian Finch who identified it as an 
Orange-winged Pytilia!!! and later on was passed to the Museum 
should we look for an un-describedescribed population???
all the best for now, and happy birding (as you can see there is 
still much to learn).