From: kenyabirdnet_mod <>
Date: 2002-10-10 08:31
Subject: Red-necked Phalarope in the Gongoni Salt ponds

Dear all 
just came back from a trip to the coast, when on Sunday the 6th of 
October a group of 4 Red-necked Phalarope, were found on the Gongoni 
Salt ponds, north of Malindi.
the birds have been seen by Colin Jackson, Brian Finch, shailesh 
Patel, Bernd de Bruijn and Myself.

another interesting record is a Green-headed Oriole on the Kararacha 
trail, in the Arobuko-Sokoke Forest and a late Spotted Ground-Thrush, 
in the nature trail near the forest station (both on the 5th of 

in Sabaki river mouth on the 8th of October a nice group of 8! 
African Skimmers.

all the best for now.